Access to the best investment opportunities, pay less fees and unnecessary taxes.
At Impactfull, we help you find investment solutions that are adapted to every investor profile, including stocks, secured lending, life insurance and private equity.
Private Equity
Life Insurance
Savings Account from 3.5%/y with capital guarantee
How this works? #1 - Identify your investor profile
Once we know your financial objectives, we can follow the capital allocation of elite investors which share your style.
The patient money-maker
Like Warren Buffet, one of the most successful investors, you put performance first and think long-term.
Lifestyle administrative and concierge assistance.
Sourcing & due diligence for the best investments.
Negotiation and structuring of financing for all of your investments
Monitoring of your assets and risk management
Realization of your asset mapping and your consolidated reporting
Definition of your objectives and strategic allocation of your assets
Coordination of your entire wealth ecosystem and point of contact for your projects
#3 We secure the most afforbable prices
The less fees you pay, the more money you can spend on what you really care for. Discover how much you can save in the long run by working with a cost-concious approach.
How much capital can you invest?
How much performance to you expect from your investments?
To support our allocation and product recommendation, we have built a compass of the most promising industry trends and regional dynamics, to help you stay invested on what’s the most likely to outperfrom.
Our Impact
We invest 50% of our profits to support daring entrepreneurs build a more sustainable world through our direct investing, impact advisory and philanthropic activities.
A distributed cloud storage solution which reuses existing hardware to cut by 80% emissions GHG emissions from data centers